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Practice makes perfect……..or does it?

After a previous post, I had a text from a friend who liked what I had to say about practicing skills, but said I should consider that practice doesn’t always make perfect.  He went on to say, “perfect practice makes perfect!”1496410833Vince-Lombardi_4

Good point!   One made by Vince Lombardi once upon a time.

Repeating a skill in the wrong way does nothing but make you proficiently bad.  Practice will help you break bad habits, but it’s hard to practice while playing a competitive game.  It’s difficult to predict what shot you will receive from an opponent, so in order to practice a certain skill repetitively, it’s important that you have a practice partner or use a pickleball machine.  With either, you can ask your partner to hit to a specific target, or set the machine to a  predictable shot, allowing you to repeat the same shot over and over until you are able to do it successfully more times than not.

Consider getting a machine for yourself or your club.  The machines toss or shoot balls from one end of the court, over the net to where you are standing and can be adjusted for speed, direction and height according to what skill you are working on.  They can be used for drill sessions on  specific skills, and can accommodate several players at a time.

As for drills to use with the machines, an easy internet search of “pickleball machine drills” will provide you with a vast return of written articles, blogs, and video’s explaining and showing you how to use these machines for every skill you want to practice.

Here are two popular machines.

Look for games you can play during your practice sessions with machines.  The majority of us play pickleball for fun, and therefore we need our practice to be fun too.  Otherwise, our practice sessions become very short, and eventually non-existent.

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AND, find some great pickleball tee shirt and sweatshirt designs in my TeeChip store!  Great for Christmas gifts!

2 thoughts on “Practice makes perfect……..or does it?”

  1. Hi Betsy! Merry Christmas. Hopefully you won’t answer this today. I just keep forgetting to send you a note.

    My name is Cathy, I am a friend of Debbie Smith, I met you in Englewood a couple of times. I would like to buy some shirts like one you were wearing when we were at lunch. It was a long sleeve dri-fit blue with a small pink flower on the front. You told Debbie to wait to order until it was available on your website. I’d like to order three (Deb, Sheila and me) when you have them. Can you please let me know if you have them and how I can get them? Thanks and Happy New Year! Cathy

    Sent from my iPhone



    1. Hi Cathy! Of course I remember you! If you would please email me at and I can get exactly what you want. Drifit shirts have to be ordered directly through me and take a bit longer. But worth the wait! Merry Christmas!!


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